PhDr. Mária Balážová,
klinická psychologička, psychoterapeutka, zakladateľka a CEO MindGudie

She deals with the psychotherapy of children, young people and adults, the basis of her practice is gestalt psychotherapy, she is a member of the Chamber of Psychologists and the Psychotherapeutic Society, she is engaged in lecturing and training.

Poznáte ju na Instagrame ako detská psychologička a na jej webe venovanom práci s deťmi.

  • Mgr. a Phdr. na Katedre psychológie, Filozofická fakulta PU, Prešov
  • Výcvik v relaxačnej a symbolickej psychoterapii (100 h.)
  • 5-ročný výcvik v Dialóg – Inštitút pre výcvik v geštaltpsychoterapii
  • Špecializačné štúdium v klinickej psychológii, Filozofická fakulta UK, Bratislava
  • Výcvik v EMDR, Slovenský inštitút pre psychotraumatológiu a EMDR
  • Výcvik Gearbox podľa Helen Delucci, SIPE, Slovensko
  • Výcvik v EMDR s deťmi Joanne Morris, SIPE, Bratislava
Work experiences
  • VÚDPaP, Bratislava – researcher
  • Ambulancia klinickej psychológie Viapsychologica, s.r.o., Pezinok
  • LEAF Academy, Bratislava – community counselor
  • Psychiatrická nemocnica Philippa Pinela, Pezinok
  • MindGuide, s.r.o. – CEO a garant

At the beginning of her career as a psychologist, she mainly focused on children, for several years she worked as a researcher at the VÚDPaP, Bratislava, where she mainly dealt with research on the use of the Internet and gifted children.

She completed psychotherapeutic training at the Slovak Institute for Gestalt Psychotherapy: Dialog. She completed other workshops and trainings in therapeutic and psychodiagnostic methods (with Jay Levine, Felicia Carrol, Jan Roubal, Talia Bar-Joseph Levine, Sandplay workshop, etc.). During the 2020/21 pandemic, she completed an international online program of the Italian Institute of Gestalt Psychotherapy (Instituto di Gestalt Italy) aimed at dealing with the consequences of the pandemic.

She worked in the Viapsychologica Clinic of Clinical Psychology in Pezinok, in the Men's Department in the P. Pinela Psychiatric Hospital in Pezinok with adult patients. In 2023, she completed her specialization studies in the field of clinical psychology and completed training in EMDR (Slovak Institute for Psychotraumatology and EMDR), Gearbox training according to Helen Delucci (SIPE, Slovakia) and training in EMDR with children Joanne Morris (SIPE, Bratislava).

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